The AICCE 2022 paper will be published in the Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (LNCE). Authors are required to use the template given in AICCE22 Authors Template when preparing the submission. The word template is LNCE Publishing standard and must be used for all LNCE Conference Proceedings volumes. Additional guidelines for preparing submission are included within the template itself for authors or on the Springer’s website.

Please also refer to Springer’s website for further detail.

Papers for Publication
Papers submitted to the conference proceeding should contain original research that has neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere. The organising committee will conduct a check to ensure that neither plagiarism nor self-plagiarism has taken place. It is also possible that the manuscript will be run through Springer’s plagiarism-checking tool.
All authors should practise proper ethics when submitting manuscript and further details with regards to this can be found at:

Types of Papers and Page Counts
The most common types of papers accepted for publication are full papers (10–20+ pages) and short papers (6+ pages). Please note that Springer will not publish very short papers, as their scientific content is not significant.

Obtaining Permissions
For detailed guidance read the Springer Nature Guide to Copyright and Permissions.
Third-party content is defined as any material within the manuscript which is not your original work. It may consist of text passages, figures, photos, poems, song lyrics, screenshots, etc. and be found in many places such as, but not limited to, the Internet, print and online books and articles, theses, annual reports, conference material, photocopies, course packages, and translations.
If you wish to use copyrighted material in your manuscript, queries must be sent to the copyright holder (usually the original publisher). Some publishers, including Springer Nature, have entrusted the Copyright Clearance Center in the USA to manage the copyright permission procedure on their behalf. Alternatively, you can download a template from the Springer Nature Third Party Permissions Guidelines website.

Please comply with the instructions stipulated in the copyright holder’s permission(s) concerning acknowledgements or credit lines within your manuscript (e.g., reference to the copyright holder in captions) and keep the written confirmation of the permission in your possession. Please be aware that publishers may charge for the right to reproduce copyrighted material. Springer Nature will not refund any costs that you may incur in securing permissions for use of third-party material. As an alternative, material from sources published under a CC BY license or in the public domain may be used.

Kindly download the complete AICCE22 Authors Template folder and the Springer Guidelines for Authors of Proceedings, which contains comprehensive instructions and guidelines for authors. Authors must submit the paper in word and pdf document  in the submission website.

